GloCal Deputy Director Kimberly Bale visits Lima, Peru

Last week, GloCal Health Fellowship Deputy Director Kimberly Bale visited Lima, Peru, to participate in and present at the Action Workshop: Promoting Brain Health in Peru. This workshop, led by the UCSF Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) in partnership with IMPACT SALUD, was the outcome of a collaboration between GloCal and GBHI and funds received from the National Institute of Aging. In attendance at the workshop were five GloCal fellows: Dr. Daniel Eid Rodríguez, Dr. Miguel Sánchez Fernández, Dr. Gregory Brown, Dr. Mónica Díaz Gil, and Dr. Sumanth Reddy, as well as several GloCal faculty mentors.

While in Lima, Kimberly also gave a presentation to potential fellowship candidates at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), joined by UPCH GloCal Site PI Dr. Andrés (Willy) Lescano and GloCal fellows Dr. Evelyn Munayco and Dr. Sumanth Reddy. Additionally, she received a tour and demonstration of Dr. Gregory Brown’s Parkinson’s Disease research at the Instituto Peruano de Neurosciences, where Dr. Brown is being mentored by Dr. Nilton Custodio. Kimberly furthermore had the opportunity to meet with several other GloCal fellows, alumni, and mentors during the week, including veterinarian Dr. Cusi Ferradas who we congratulate for just having received her PhD from UC Davis.