A Message From UCGHI on Global Health Landscape
Dear UCGHI Community,
As we begin the month of February, most of us in the global health community are reeling from the actions of the US Executive Branch with regards to rapid withdrawal of federal support for global health programs, humanitarian and refugee activities, environmental care, and many forms of equity work. The immediate impact of these actions is the direct harm and endangerment to our communities and patients. The ripple effects in terms of disease transmission, viral resistance, human safety, animal and environmental destruction, economic insecurity, and so much more will be profound. As a university system, our contributions as researchers, clinicians, cultivators of the next generation, and advocates are at risk. We also know that many of us, locally and globally, are impacted in terms of our own livelihoods.
The direct financial and programmatic decisions of the executive branch are further amplified by the attack on equity. We at UCGHI – like all of you – are keenly aware that health is impossible without full recognition of the human dignity of all people, no matter their identity.
We stand with other global health organizations and with all of you as we try to navigate a way forward to imagine creative stop-gap solutions, advocate for reversal of actions, stand with our communities, and so on. I certainly don’t know what the next days, weeks and months will bring. However, we work in a space in which many of our colleagues and communities have survived and thrived despite the obstacles that have been thrown at them. We will learn from them, from each other, and will move forward. We will double down on our values because compassion, care, equity, and justice will always be right. Please stay connected. We are with you.
In solidarity,
UCGHI Leadership Team