UCGHI Student Ambassador Blog

A Space for Student Voices

UC Davis student typing on computer in front of mural

Welcome to the UCGHI Student Ambassador Blog, where UCGHI students bring you a fresh perspective on the world's current events and news through the lens of passionate and insightful student writers. UCGHI believes that the student voice is powerful, and by amplifying their diverse voices, we can foster meaningful discussions and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the pressing issues of global health, gender justice, planetary health, one health, and health equity.

The Food Security Solution We Have Been Waiting For

By Kimberly Uehisa, Charles R. Drew University
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 24, 2024

According to the Los Angeles County Food Equity Roundtable report, low-income communities of color, including Black, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and Native American communities, experience up to three times the rates of food insecurity in LA County.

The Public Health Crisis of Honor Killings and Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan

By Nadia Miller, UC Berkeley
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 4, 2024

“One insidious thing about honor killings is that their purpose is to destroy not just the body but also the soul. Killing one person is like killing all of mankind.” -Khaldia Brohi, I Should Have Honor: A Memoir of Hope and Pride

Ecocide in Gaza: Israel's genocide in Gaza will create an unprecedented environmental health crisis

By Noor Badri, UC San Diego
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 4, 2024

The relentless assaults on Gaza have not only caused immense human suffering but have also inflicted severe and lasting damage on the environment, transforming the region into a toxic wasteland.

Exploring Family Planning among Immigrant Communities in California

By Isabella Jacques, UCSF
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 4, 2024

The unmet need for family planning remains high, particularly among marginalized communities. 

Mutual Aid Now: Global Health Equity Through the Lens of Grassroots Community Organizing

By Mira Gupta, UC San Diego
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 4, 2024

The state of global health equity seems to be overwhelmed with bleakness. We are witnessing a lack of equity, community, and care.

Healthcare accessibility for small-scale extractive based communities: An unmet need

By Natasha Glendening, UC Irvine
2023-2024 UCGHI Student Ambassador
June 4, 2024

Accessing healthcare services in a timely and convenient manner is crucial for the wellbeing and continued good health of populations. Yet, many populations worldwide experience difficulties in accessing healthcare services.

Household air pollution exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes of children from HAPIN India cohort

By Suvarna Kantipudi, UC Berkeley
MASS Program Awardee 
January 17, 2024

Exposure to the household air pollution (HAPIN) is a leading health risk in populations in LMICs and accounts for an estimated 2.3 million premature deaths annually and 91.5 million disability-adjusted life years.

Barriers to Resettlement Services Access for recently resettled Afghan Refugees in the Sacramento area of California: A Qualitative Study of Providers' Perspective

By Sima Naderi, UCSF
MASS Program Awardee 
December 18, 2023

I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan during a political crisis in 1996 when the Taliban seized control of the government. My family fled oppression in Kabul to our village in the northern region of Afghanistan, undertaking a journey that spanned days and nights, crossing mountains, and traversing the great Khawak pass on foot.

The Impact of Crowd-Control Weapons on Healthcare Delivery and Mental Health in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Provider Perspectives

By Maha Zubaidi, UCSF
MASS Program Awardee 
December 18, 2023

My capstone research project focused on the impacts of crowd control weapons (CCWs) on the Palestinian population in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including civilians and healthcare providers (HCPs).

Time to treat: Using circadian medicine for infectious diseases

By Rushlenne Pascual, UC Berkeley
MASS Program Awardee 
December 18, 2023

During my MPH, I joined the Rijo-Ferreira lab and spearheaded an original research project exploring the applicability of circadian medicine to treat malaria. 

Impact of telehealth in a student-run Shifa Community Clinic during Covid-19 pandemic and post COVID

By Laila Zaib, UC Davis
MASS Program Awardee 
December 18, 2023

Immigrants and marginalized communities often experience higher rates of missed (no-show) appointments, leading to delayed medical care.

Understanding AANHPI Food Security in O'ahu, Hawai'i: Research Reflections

By Preeti Juturu, UCLA
MASS Program Awardee 
December 14, 2023

Food security experiences may differ in Hawai'I compared to the mainland U.S, and it's important to determine if federal measurements for food security collect information that takes into account the nuanced experiences of community members.

Exploring the Intersections of Migration, Climate Justice, and Gender

By Ashley Moore, UCSF
2022 - 2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Gender and Health Justice
June 2, 2023

The global climate crisis is one of the greatest threats currently confronting humanity. Indeed, the now unfolding consequences of the crisis threaten virtually every major sphere of human existence, including ecological sustainability, economic security, political stability, human rights, and health equity.

Fake News and Deforestation: The Double Threat to Planetary Health

By Tiago Tasca, UC Santa Cruz
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Planetary Health
June 2, 2023

Brazil, known for its vast Amazon rainforest, rich biodiversity, and crucial global player in the fight against climate change, has been grappling with the dual challenges of deforestation and the spread of fake news, especially during the administration of the former far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Telehealth Use Can Overcome Disparities in Access for Medication Abortion

By Kalani Phillips, MPH, UC Irvine
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Gender and Health Justice
June 2, 2023

Threats to medication abortion access are ongoing, and barriers to access persist, including racial, socioeconomic, and geographic barriers. However, one positive result of the COVID-19 pandemic is that access to telehealth broadly increased access to medication abortion.

Pathways of Antibiotic Exposure: a case study of California’s Central Valley

By Brittany Lauren Morgan Bustamante, PhD, MPH, UC Davis
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Planetary Health
June 2, 2023

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health issue expected to worsen with climate change. Excessive & unnecessary exposure to antibiotics leads to AMR, and understanding the pathways of antibiotic exposure can help identify high-risk population, document & understand disparities, & implement interventions.

The Cesarean Gap: Addressing the Racial Disparity Among Cesarean Deliveries in the U.S.

By Angelika Sarmiento, UC Berkeley 
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Gender and Health Justice
June 2, 2023

There is a significant disparity within the healthcare system that places mothers of color at higher risk for post-partum medical complications through the push for cesarean deliveries (C-sections).

Emerging Infection Diseases/Zoonotic Diseases

By Ruwini Rupasinghe, UC Davis
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Planetary Health
June 2, 2023

Zoonoses are diseases and infections that are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and humans via direct or indirect contact (e.g., through mechanical or biological vectors or fomites).

Reproductive Justice and Respectful Maternity Care

By Celestine Ofori-Parku, PhD, UCSF
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Gender and Health Justice
June 2, 2023

Reproductive Justice is a framework that uses human rights principles to resist discriminatory laws and policies based on race, gender, and class. Reproductive Justice is achieved when women, girls, and LGBTQ individuals have the power and resources to make healthy decisions about their bodies and families.

Environmental Health Disparities as an Environmental Justice Issue

By Andrew Tseng, UC RIverside
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Planetary Health
June 2, 2023

Environmental health disparities are often overlooked as contributors to health. There are many communities like the one pictured above, which are exposed to a poor-quality of environment.

Women’s Health and Wellbeing in Armenia

By Celine Khackiki, UC San Diego
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Gender and Health Justice
June 2, 2023

In the innermost, mountainous regions of the Caucasus region lies a small country called Armenia. With a total population of less than three million people, women compose approximately 52.2% of this demographic.

Nutrition & Food Security

By Guadalupe Perez, UC Merced
2022-2023 Student Ambassador Cohort - Center for Planetary Health
June 2, 2023

Nutrition and food security will always be an important topic to discuss because of food insecurities and malnutrition which impacts many countries.

Deeper Than Race: How Reluctance to Examine Black American Diversity Obscures the Maternal Health Crisis

By Mariah Jiles, UC Berkeley
MASS Program Awardee 
April 5, 2023

Today, Black pregnant people are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white people in the United States.