
The Food Security Solution We Have Been Waiting For

June 24, 2024
According to the Los Angeles County Food Equity Roundtable report, low-income communities of color, including Black, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander, and Native American communities, experience up to three times the rates of food insecurity in LA County.

Healthcare accessibility for small-scale extractive based communities: An unmet need

June 4, 2024
Accessing healthcare services in a timely and convenient manner is crucial for the wellbeing and continued good health of populations. Yet, many populations worldwide experience difficulties in accessing healthcare services.

Mutual Aid Now: Global Health Equity Through the Lens of Grassroots Community Organizing

June 4, 2024
The state of global health equity seems to be overwhelmed with bleakness. We are witnessing a lack of equity, community, and care.

Exploring Family Planning among Immigrant Communities in California

June 4, 2024
The unmet need for family planning remains high, particularly among marginalized communities.

Ecocide in Gaza: Israel's genocide in Gaza will create an unprecedented environmental health crisis

June 4, 2024
The relentless assaults on Gaza have not only caused immense human suffering but have also inflicted severe and lasting damage on the environment, transforming the region into a toxic wasteland.

The Public Health Crisis of Honor Killings and Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan

June 4, 2024
The idea that the loss of honor can forever damage a soul and reputation has bled into the ideologies and standards of Pakistani immigrants, following them into their new lives even miles from their homeland.

UCGHI Student Ambassadors from Multiple UC Campuses Collaborate in Santa Barbara County’s Latinx and Indigenous Migrant COVID-19 Response Task Force

May 30, 2024
The Santa Barbara County Latinx and Indigenous Migrant COVID-19 Task Force  was convened by the Santa Barbara Public Health Department (SBPHD) and was co-founded by Dr. Van Do Reynoso, Former Director of the SBPHD, and Dr. Melissa Smith, Director of UC Santa Barbara Health Equity Initiatives and Associate Director of the UCGHI Center for Gender and Health Justice with funding from the SBPHD and the Santa Barbara County Foundation Roundtable.

UC Global Health Day 2024 Closing Plenary Speaker Dr. Frank Mugisha’s Tireless Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights

May 30, 2024
We were honored to have Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), human rights champion, and anti-violence advocate, Frank Mugisha, PhD, as our Closing Plenary Speaker at UC Global Health Day gathering at UCLA on March 7th, 2024. Recently, Dr. Mugisha was recognized as one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People. He has risked a great deal in his life in the name of human rights. Yet, as Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote about him for TIME, “In the face of death threats and intimidation, of lost jobs and lost friends, and as one of the few out gay people in Uganda, Frank Mugisha has never backed down from fighting for LGBTQI+ rights.”

SHINE Strong Fosters the Next Generation of Trans and Queer Researchers

May 30, 2024
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded SHINE Strong program is the first training and mentoring program committed to long-term development of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) behavioral scientists with expertise in trans population health. The program, co-founded by UCGHI Center for Gender and Health Justice Associate Director, Sean Arayasirikul, PhD (they/them), engages undergraduate students in HIV prevention and trans and nonbinary scholarship.

Regional Scientific Workshop Held at Hanoi Medical University

May 10, 2024
An Asia regional scientific workshop for trainees affiliated with GloCal and other Fogarty LAUNCH programs was held at Hanoi Medical University (HMU) in Vietnam between May 8-10, 2024.

Former GloCal Fellow, Dr. Karla Rascon-Garcia, Begins Postdoctoral Position at Duke Global Health Institute

April 30, 2024
Karla Rascon-Garcia, PhD, an infectious disease epidemiologist and network science modeler, began a postdoctoral position at the Duke Global Health Institute on April 15th, 2024 where she will work under the mentorship of Dr. Steve Taylor and Dr. Wendy Prudhomme-O’Meara.

Amplifying Asian Immigrant Women Voices through a Study on Sexual and Reproductive Health Experiences

April 30, 2024
Dr. May Sudhinaraset and her colleagues launched the NIH-funded Bridging communities Raising API Voices for health Equity (BRAVE) Study, the first study to collect national data on the sexual and reproductive healthcare experiences of Asian immigrant women.

New UCGHI Advisory Council Members Representing Local and Global Regions of the World

April 30, 2024
Since the UC Global Health Institute was established, an advisory council (AC) of representatives across the University of California system has been essential to providing guidance on our strategies and priorities. Until recently, our AC has included a representative from each UC campus. This year, we welcome a new cadre of representatives from around the world as our regional members. 

Eight University of California Students Selected for the Center for Gender and Health Justice Summer Internship Opportunities Program

April 22, 2024

Eight University of California students from four campuses (UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Berkeley) have been selected to participate in the UC Global Health Institute (UCGHI) Center for Gender and Health Justice’s (CGHJ) Internship Opportunities Program. This opportunity not only highlights the caliber of talent students hold at the University of California but also underscores UCGHI’s commitment to fostering future leaders in the field of global health and the CGHJ’s mission to support student involvement in reducing gender and health disparities globally.

The One Health Workforce Academies Creates Global Academic Connections in an Interdependent World

March 27, 2024
A global collaborative, transdisciplinary, and multisectoral public health initiative, the One Health Workforce - Next Generation was created to bring public health professionals and researchers around the world together to focus on the interconnection of the health of animals, people, and the environment.

The Power of Storytelling at UC Global Health Day 2024

March 12, 2024

Rohan Radhakrishna, MD, MPH, MS–Chief Equity Officer and Deputy Director of The Office of Health Equity at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH)–opened UC Global Health Day 2024 emphasizing the power of storytelling in our work as health professionals. It is a part of relating our work to the lives of the people we work for and within our communities. “We need to acknowledge and reflect, have language that's inclusive, include narrative and storytelling, have an intersectional approach and have diverse messengers and diverse platforms to reach people and rebuild trust,” he said.

UC Global Health Day Speakers Show How Health Professionals Can Make Change through Policy and Advocacy

March 12, 2024
On Wednesday, March 7th, nearly 500 committed health professionals and learners gathered from across California and around the world at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in-person and many people tuned in online for the 10th UC Global Health Day.

Four GloCal Fellows Attend an Implementation Workshop in Accra, Ghana

February 27, 2024

Three GloCal fellows and one GloCal Fulbright-Fogarty fellow joined other current Fogarty LAUNCH fellows in attending an implementation science workshop in Accra, Ghana from Feb. 19-22.

Maternal Health Rights for Farmworker Women: Teaching and Research for Action

February 1, 2024
In the heart of Santa Barbara County, amidst the agricultural landscape, pregnant farmworkers face a myriad of perinatal health risks.

How Midwifery is Essential to Black Maternal Healthcare

February 1, 2024
As we celebrate Black History and Futures Month, we also celebrate the work organizations like CHOICES are doing to improve Black maternal health outcomes in the U.S. CHOICES demonstrates that culturally relevant, community-based, affordable, midwifery centric reproductive care is the key to improving Black maternal health.

Deeper Than Race: How Reluctance to Examine Black American Diversity Obscures the Maternal Health Crisis - 2024 Update

January 17, 2024
Today, Black pregnant people are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white people in the United States. 

Household air pollution exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes of children from HAPIN India cohort

January 17, 2024
Exposure to the household air pollution (HAPIN) is a leading health risk in populations in LMICs and accounts for an estimated 2.3 million premature deaths annually and 91.5 million disability-adjusted life years.

Data Drives Surgical Oncology Progress in Tanzania

January 16, 2024
The work that surgical resident Nathan Brand, MD, MS, UCSF, did for his GloCal Health Fellowship from July 2022 to June 2023 may on the surface appear on the dry side: a matter of methodically sifting through spreadsheets as opposed to the delicate artistry of surgery.  But the data that he and his team collected, cleaned, and analyzed for their project “Assessment of Current Surgical Oncology Case Volume, Capacity, and Priorities in Tanzania,” has the potential to significantly transform Tanzanian oncology.

From San Francisco Port to Dar Port – an SD4H and GloCal Collaboration

January 2, 2024

What began as chance encounters between fellows in the corridors of Mission Hall at UCSF in San Francisco, California, is blossoming into a transformative mentorship initiative that the fellows are christening "One Love East Africa Fellows" (O'LEAF).

Time to treat: Using circadian medicine for infectious diseases

December 18, 2023
During my MPH, I joined the Rijo-Ferreira lab and spearheaded an original research project exploring the applicability of circadian medicine to treat malaria.

Dr. Rohan Radhakrishna Connects Local Californian Health to Global Health

December 18, 2023
Rohan Radhakrishna, MD, MPH seemed almost destined for a career in global health as he reflects on his career trajectory. Now he gets to carry his vision out by leading the California Department of Public Health's Office of Health Equity (OHE).

Impact of telehealth in a student-run Shifa Community Clinic during Covid-19 pandemic and post COVID

December 18, 2023

The Impact of Crowd-Control Weapons on Healthcare Delivery and Mental Health in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Provider Perspectives

December 18, 2023
My capstone research project focused on the impacts of crowd control weapons (CCWs) on the Palestinian population in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including civilians and healthcare providers (HCPs).

Barriers to Resettlement Services Access for recently resettled Afghan Refugees in the Sacramento area of California: A Qualitative Study of Providers` Perspective

December 18, 2023
I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan during a political crisis in 1996 when the Taliban seized control of the government.

Understanding AANHPI Food Security in O’ahu, Hawai’i: Research Reflections

December 14, 2023
