
Development and validation of a person-centered abortion scale in Kenya

October 30, 2020

New UCSF IGHS and UCLA Fielding School of Public Health study on person-centered abortion care in private facilities in Kenya.

Statewide coalition forming to bring COVID awareness to at-risk communities

October 28, 2020
A new coalition of universities and community partners across the state — including UC Merced —aims to address the COVID-19 pandemic in communities that are disproportionally affected.

Experiencing police violence worsens mental health in distinct ways

October 16, 2020
Unique effects of police violence create a public health crisis for communities most affected, reports a new UC Riverside paper in the American Journal of Public Health. 

"Learning from the Past and Working in the Present to Create an Antiracist Future for Academic Medicine"

October 13, 2020
Executive Vice President, Carrie Byington, MD, FAAP, FIDSA and colleagues identify individual, institutional, and community actions to create an antiracist future for academic medicine published in Academic Medicine Journal.

2020 Election Series: The next president needs to think globally about COVID-19

October 13, 2020
UCGHI Director, Tom Coates, new piece released (Oct. 13) featured in Pacific Council on International Policy Magazine on multilateral health collaborations will provide a clear roadmap for COVID-19. 

UC Riverside is the first UC campus to teach the Cahuilla language

October 12, 2020
Cahuilla, the language of Southern California Cahuilla Indian Nations, is offered by the Department of Comparative Literature & Languages at UC Riverside.

Global Sports Development and Sidewinder Films Partner with UC Speaks Up to Prevent Campus Sexual Assault

October 7, 2020
UC Speaks Up hosting virtual screening of Emmy-nominated At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal combined with discussion panels tailored to college communities.

Former GloCal Fellow Studies Improving Retention in HIV Care with Emerging Global Leader Award

October 6, 2020
Former GloCal fellow Luis Menacho has received a K43 Emerging Global Leader Award from the National Institutes of Health’s Fogarty International Center.

Rethinking Wildfire Cultural Burning and the Art of Not Fighting Fire

October 5, 2020
For thousands of years, Native Americans in what is now California and across the West treated and nurtured fire like the natural resource it is through the practice of cultural burning.

Fighting the health effects of climate change is the mission for new UCLA center

September 7, 2020
In response to the escalating health emergency that is already inflicting substantial damage on people in Southern California and around the world, the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health has created the UCLA Center for Healthy Climate Solution.

Global fire outlook not good news, but mitigation is possible, analysis shows

September 7, 2020
Wildfires are likely to increase unless fossil-fuel burning stops, a new UC Merced paper indicates.

Diversifying the sciences

September 7, 2020
Faculty at the UC Riverside have received grants from the University of California-Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative to increase diversity in the sciences.

Connecting Through the Arts

September 7, 2020
UC San Diego Arts and Community Engagement grad student fellows receive support to build regional partnerships and expand research.

UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences tries to stop mosquitos biting amid the pandemic

September 7, 2020
Health experts cannot afford to lose focus on the fight against malaria – a mosquito-borne illness that is the deadliest disease in human history – even as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moving the Needle

September 7, 2020
New NSF-funded fellowship program at UC Santa Barbara aims to engage undergraduates from underrepresented groups in the environmental sciences via research and field work.

U.S. will revive global virus-hunting effort ended last year

September 7, 2020
A federal agency is resurrecting a version of PREDICT, a scientific network that for a decade watched for new pathogens dangerous to humans. Joe Biden has also vowed to fund the effort.

What’s next: The future of environmental justice

September 1, 2020
UC Irvine assistant professor of urban planning & public policy argues that the most effective environmental solutions will come from the communities suffering the most – and that policymakers should listen to them.

New Database Better Enables Studies on Women’s Health by Making Research Measures Accessible

September 1, 2020

Women’s health researchers now have a new tool to help them with their projects—, a Database of Gender and Women’s Empowerment Measures—through the work of the UCGHI Women's Health, Gender, and Empowerment (WHGE) Center of Expertise.

Breakthrough in eliminating dengue, other mosquito-borne diseases

August 27, 2020
A UC Berkeley 27-month trial in Indonesia of a unique method of mosquito control shows that the strategy can reduce the incidence of dengue.

COVID-19 exposes how Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders face stark health care disparities

August 25, 2020
UCLA researchers work to see how COVID-19 is affecting Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.

UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health Researchers are Seeking Summer Campus Representatives for Virtual Film Project

August 22, 2020

Dr. Jennifer Wagman and Claire Amabile at UCLA's Fielding School of Public Health are seeking summer campus representatives from all 10 UCs to assist in a project that uses film as a violence prevention tool. The film includes, At the Heart of Gold, a documentary that features brave testimonials from various female gymnasts who survived the abuse of ex-medical doctor Larry Nassar.

UCGHI WHGE COE Global Seed Grant Program announces three new awardees from Colombia, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan

August 21, 2020
The UCGHI WHGE COE Global Seed Grant Program announces three new awardees from Colombia, Mexico and Kyrgyzstan working on violence prevention.

UCSC partners with CSUMB for postdoctoral training and mentorship program

August 17, 2020
A $4.2 million NIH grant to UC Santa Cruz’s Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells is funding an innovative program to address underrepresentation of minorities in biomedical faculty.

WHGE COE New Special Issue: Transformative approaches to gender justice in sexual and reproductive health

August 3, 2020
The University of California Global Health Institute’s Center of Expertise on Women’s Health, Gender, and Empowerment prepared  a special issue of Culture, Health & Sexuality journal on Transformative Approaches for Gender Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Health, led by Guest Editors Rebecca Fielding-Miller and Abigail Hatcher.

Ambassador Program Prepares Future Leaders in Women’s Health and Planetary Health

July 7, 2020
Four UC students reflect on their UCGHI Student Ambassador Program experience earlier this year. Ambassadors select between two areas of focus linked to the two centers of expertise within UCGHI: Women's Health, Gender, and Empowerment (WHGE) Center of Expertise and Planetary Health Center of Expertise. The program provides a leadership opportunity for students at all educational levels across the 10 UC campuses.

UCLA professor and team find long-acting injectable cabotegravir is highly effective for the prevention of HIV infection

May 18, 2020
The HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) announced today results from HPTN 083, a global randomized, controlled, double-blind study showing long-acting injecting cabotegravir lowered HIV incidence among cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men.

Microbiome therapy protects against recurrent bacterial vaginosis

May 18, 2020

A product containing healthy vaginal bacteria has proved effective against recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV), an extremely common vaginal infection that is associated with preterm birth, HIV infection and problems with in vitro fertilization, new UCSF findings published in The New England Journal of Medicine on May 14, 2020.

How COVID-19 is affecting the global supply chain

May 5, 2020
UCR professor explains the pandemic’s impacts from toilet paper shortages to potential labor issues.

Coronavirus Global Slowdown Is Cleaning the Skies. How Long Will It Last?

April 29, 2020

UC San Diego Scripps Oceanography climate scientists ponder what episode tells us about global warming.

Urban slums are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-19. Here’s how to help

April 29, 2020
UC Berkeley professor of Public Health/City and Regional Planning at Berkeley Public Health, talks about how communities in urban slums are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-19.
