UCGHI Black Lives Matter Task Force – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey Results

The UC Global Health Institute has created a Black Lives Matter Task Force with faculty, staff, and student representation to develop specific plans to address systemic racism starting with our Institute and the health and educational inequities that affect African-American communities in a highly disproportionate way.

The primary objective of this survey was to gather metrics of diversity and inclusion within the UC Global Health Institute community, including both the Women’s Health, Gender, and Empowerment Center of Expertise (COE) and the Planetary Health COE.

The UCGHI Black Lives Matter (BLM) Task Force will use the results of the survey as a tool to measure whether we are building an inclusive community and will help inform our long-term actions to support underrepresented faculty, staff, and students. Demographic data compiled from the survey will be published on our website for transparency and accountability to help ensure that UCGHI as an institution reflects the diversity of the communities we serve in our programs. Survey responses will also be shared with the UCGHI leadership and UCGHI BLM Task Force so that we can hear the experiences that the UCGHI community members have faced and work together to come up with solutions that foster a more diverse and inclusive environment to prevent future discrimination.

Tom Coates, PhD
UCGHI Director (Co-Chair)

Linda Shin (Report Lead)
UCGHI Program Coordinator

Sun Yu Cotter, MPH
UCGHI Deputy Director, (Co-Chair)

Kemi Amin
Communications Director, UCGHI, UCSF IGHS/Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics   

Eric Goosby, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSF, Institute for Global Health Sciences, Center for Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy, Director

Federico Castillo, PhD                                   
Lecturer, UC Berkeley, UCGHI Planetary Health Center of Expertise, Deputy Director

Bridgette Smith, MPH
International Programs Specialist, One Health Institute, UC Davis

Alexis Stanley, MS
UCGHI Communications Manager

Aaliyah Sade Murphy
UCGHI Women’s Health Gender and Empowerment Center of Expertise Student Intern & Student Ambassador Alumna

Stephanie Sumstine, MPH
Project Director, UCLA Center for Community Health, UCGHI Women’s Health, Gender and Empowerment Center of Expertise

Samantha Ying, PhD
Assistant Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry, UC Riverside, UCGHI Planetary Health Center of Expertise, Co-Director

Ushma Upadhyay, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor, UCSF, UCGHI Women’s Health, Gender and Empowerment Center of Expertise, Director of Research

Geremy Lowe
UCGHI '19-20 Planetary Health Center of Expertise Student Ambassador

Executive Summary

UCGHI’s Black Lives Matter Task Force conducted a survey of 265 total participants from the UCGHI community, including both WHGE COE and the PH COE. As an incentive to complete the survey, respondents were entered in a raffle to win a $20 gift card to support Black-owned brands. 10 winners were awarded.

The survey captures information and perception in four key areas: Demographics, Discrimination, Climate, and Next Steps.


  • Race/ethnicity: 51% of respondents identify as White, 16% as Asian, 12% as Hispanic or Latinx, 10% as Black or African American, 7% as a member of 2 or more racial groups, 2% as other, and 1% as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
  • Campus: Survey respondents encompass all 10 University of California campuses. The majority of participants are based in UC San Francisco, followed by UC Los Angeles, and UC San Diego.
  • Age: Among respondents, the largest age group is 55 years or older, followed by groups aged 21 to 34, 45 to 54, 35 to 44, and under 21.
  • Affiliation to UCGHI: 45% of respondents reported their affiliation as faculty affiliates, 19% as students, 17% as other, 11% as staff, and 6% as leadership (UCGHI Director, Board Members, Program Directors, etc.).
  • Length of Affiliation: Half of all respondents have been affiliated with UCGHI between “2 years to less than 5 years” or “less than 1 year” (25% in each category). 21% of respondents have been affiliated between “5 years to less than 10 years”, 16% reported “10 years or more”, and 12 % between “1 year to less than 2 years”.
  • Gender: With respect to gender, 64% of respondents identify as female, 34% as male, and 1% as trans male or non-binary.
  • Sexuality: With respect to sexual orientation, 84% of respondents identify as heterosexual, 6% as homosexual, 4% bisexual, and less than 1% asexual or pansexual.
  • Racial/ethnic diversity is greatest among students and least among leadership. White respondents make up the following share of each affiliation category:
    • 75% of leadership
    • 60% of faculty affiliates
    • 50% of staff
    • 32% of students
  • Approximately one third of students are from historically underrepresented (Hispanic or Latinx, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and African American) groups. Just over 20% of staff, 15% of faculty affiliates, and 15% of leadership are from underrepresented groups.
  • Among UCGHI leadership, over 70% identified as White, and 30% as BIPOC (split evenly between Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latinx, and Asian). Among faculty affiliates, approximately 60% identify as White, 15% identify as Asian, and less than 10% as Black or African American. Among staff, 50% identify as White while 50% identify as BIPOC (split between Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, and Mixed). Among students, 32% identified as White, just over 20% as Hispanic or Latinx or Asian, 10 percent as Black or African American, and less than 10% as Mixed and Other.

UCGHI Black Lives Matter Task Force full report

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey Results