Center for Gender and Health Justice

The Center for Gender and Health Justice envisions a world in which equitable gender norms lead to healthy and empowered people— including UC students. The Center promotes research, education and community engagement both globally and locally to reduce gender and health inequities.

Featured Signature Research Projects

Preventing Violence on College and University Campuses

Sexual violence (SV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) are pervasive problems on college campuses in the United States and globally. The CGHJ’s first signature research project aims to build an evidence-base for California campus sexual violence programs and policies that can be replicated and taken to scale in the US and internationally.

UC Speaks Up

UC Speaks Up is a campus-based violence prevention initiative that began in 2018 as a three-campus research project at (UCLA, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara.) Using qualitative research, we project aimed to assess the perceptions of the campus environment related to sexual violence and sexual harassment and explore how institutional and community policies influence students’ lives and experiences. The initiative has expanded to involve multiple research and programming projects across the UC system.

Global College Campus Violence Prevention (GCVP) Network

The Global College Campus Violence Prevention Network aims to build global partnerships to ensure college and university campuses are safe and equitable, worldwide. GCVP-N seeks to prevent sexual, intimate partner and dating violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct on college and university campuses, worldwide. We unite individuals and groups conducting (or intending to conduct) implementation research to inform and advocate for policies, programs, and practices to prevent and improve responses to campus-based violence. We envision all institutions of higher education as environments of learning, safety, respect, integrity, and equity.

California Home Abortion by Telehealth (CHAT) Study

The  CHAT Study  is a longitudinal study following patients of virtual clinics to understand the safety, effectiveness, and acceptability and patient experience of telehealth for abortion care. This study will help researchers, healthcare providers, pregnant people, and policy makers understand the experience of people using an online service to get an abortion with pills.

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