GloCal Leadership Group

The GloCal Leadership Group provides oversight to the program. All significant decisions are made jointly by the full Leadership Group with advice from the Steering Committee.


Steering Committee

The GloCal Steering Committee (SC) is composed of faculty members who lead well-established, international research and training programs, thus reflecting the breadth and depth of global health research in the GloCal Health Fellowship. Each of the four consortium campuses is represented on the SC by both UC and collaborating international partner faculty members, and each of the other six UC campuses are represented on the SC by one faculty member each. The SC is tasked with decisions on the selection of candidates, interviewees and fellows, as well as with advertising the program among colleagues and potential trainees.

UC San Francisco

UC San Diego

UC Los Angeles

UC Davis

UC Berkeley

UC Irvine

UC Merced

UC Riverside

    UC Santa Barbara 

    UC Santa Cruz