UCGHD 2020 Virtual Poster Presentation - Diseases

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UCGHD 2020 Virtual Poster Presentation - Disease Track

Title Name Campus
High Throughput Screen of Natural Products as Type III Secretion
System Inhibitors

Annalyse Lalljie
UC Santa Cruz
Characterization of Antimicrobial Resistant Escherichia coli in
Chickens in Iringa, Tanzania

Cara Newberry
UC Davis
Identifying Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted
Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Women Across Clinics in Fiji

Isabella Auchus
UC San Francisco
Mechanism of Vibrio cholerae Biofilm Hyperinfectivity
Jennifer Teschler
UC Santa Cruz
Wolbachia, African River Blindness, and Antibiotics
Laura Chappell
UC Santa Cruz
Protecting Newcastle Disease Vaccine with Intrinsically
Disordered Proteins

Liana Beld
UC Santa Cruz
No Direct Communication: How Being Deaf Overshadows
Challenges of Aging With HIV in Palm Springs, California

Michelle Didero
UC Los Angeles
Antibiotics stewardship in Ghana: a cross-sectional study of
public knowledge and practices

Tamara Jimah
UC Irvine
Developing an interprofessional curriculum to improve team-based
HIV care in Sub Saharan Africa: focusing on learners in transitions

Mike Reid
UC San Francisco
Oral Manifestations of HIV/AIDS: A Pilot Interprofessional
Health Education Module

Sapna Saini
UC San Francisco