
37 Student Innovators from UC Berkeley Gear-Up for Clinton Global Initiative University

June 19, 2017
UC Berkeley students help develop innovative solutions to address challenges in global health

Dreaming Big

June 7, 2017
From solar lamps to wifi, engineers from UC Santa Barbara develop and technologies to improve the health and well being of populations in need

Women's Health Center of Expertise awards summer grants to seven UC undergrads

June 6, 2017
The awards fund research in maternal health, domestic violence, mobile health technology, education for adolescent girls and empowerment of single mothers.

Planetary Health Center of Expertise invites proposals for pilot research projects

May 30, 2017
The UCGHI Center for Expertise will fund pilot research projects that explore synergies between population health and environmental health.

Planetary Health and CA Department of Conservation offer summer graduate fellowship

May 11, 2017
UCGHI Planetary Health COE and the CA Department of Conservation offer a paid summer fellowship for graduate students interested in conservation science and policy.

Mentoring the mentors in global health research: Johannesburg, South Africa 2016

March 31, 2016
This workshop aimed to create a community of senior mentors in global health.

GloCal Fellow David Heller's opinion piece featured in The Washington Post

March 18, 2016
Heller makes a case for addressing non-communicable diseases in developing countries.

New safer conception toolkit to empower local healthcare providers and HIV-affected

February 29, 2016
The toolkit is a valuable collection of training guides and health education manuals about safer reproduction strategies.

Call for Papers: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

September 25, 2015

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth is accepting submissions for a special journal supplement that will feature papers from multiple disciplines on women's health and empowerment related to pregnancy and childbirth.

GloCal fellows participate in Lancet Commission on global surgery

September 11, 2015
Dr. Matchecane Cossa and Dr. John Rose share their expertise in global surgery with colleagues around the world.  

Dr. Jennifer Syvertsen profiled in Global Health Matters

August 1, 2015
Former GloCal Health-fellow Syvertsen pioneers work in Kenya by measuring patterns of local drug injection and HIV risk.

Prestigious global mental health study abroad grant awarded to GPH faculty, Dr. Ojeda and Dr. Burgos

April 15, 2015
UC San Diego faculty will create new studying opportunities for students at UCSD and Tijuana Campus of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.
